Vivaz Blog

Australian Bushfires | Vivaz Donates Profits from Warehouse Sale to WIRES Wildlife Rescue

Jan 16, 2020

Australian Bushfires | Vivaz Donates Profits from Warehouse Sale to WIRES Wildlife Rescue

On Saturday January 11th, 2020 Vivaz held its annual MASSIVE WAREHOUSE SALE online and in store. Vivaz team offered every customer a chance to donate to the WIRES Foundation freely or by purchasing dance accessories which the total profits of would be donated.

The day at the warehouse sale was filled with so much positivity and lively chat about the Australian bushfire crisis and Vivaz team is proud to announce that $436 AUD was donated to the WIRES Wildlife Rescue.

CLICK HERE to make a direct donation to WIRES.

ImageA note from Amber Ben (Director /  Designer): Excited to announce that you guys  helped us raise $436 for the WIRES  foundation at our massive Bi-Annual warehouse sale on Saturday! This is an excellent result and its all thanks to you! Let's keep trying to do whatever we can however we can to help those affected by the bushfire crises in the coming months.

A list of charities who support the Australian Bushfire Crisis

Click any charity to be redirected to their donations page: